# Fibers for Scala This library implements **fibers** (or **coroutines**) on top of delimited continuations as provided by the [Scala CPS compiler plugin][continuations]. ## Usage Since the library is not currently published in a publically accessible Maven repository, you have to compile it and publish it into your local Maven repository yourself: ```bash sbt publishLocal ``` And then, in your `build.sbt` file: ```scala // Enable CPS plugin addCompilerPlugin("org.scala-lang.plugins" % "scala-continuations-plugin_2.12.2" % "1.0.3"), libraryDependencies += "org.scala-lang.plugins" %% "scala-continuations-library" % "1.0.3", scalacOptions += "-P:continuations:enable", // Depend on fibers-core libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "eu.mulk" %% "fibers-core" % "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT", ) ``` ## Examples Awaiting futures and tasks and emitting values: ```scala import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler.Implicits.global import monix.reactive.Observable import eu.mulk.fibers.Fiber._ import scala.util.Success val slowBackgroundTask = Task.delay(100) def produceNumbers: Unit @fiber[Int] = { val Success(x) = await(slowBackgroundTask) emit(x) emit(x*2) emit(x*3) } val observable: Observable[Int] = run(produceNumbers) observable.foreachL(println).runAsync // => 100, 200, 300 ``` Using fiber-local state: ```scala import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler.Implicits.global import monix.reactive.Observable import eu.mulk.fibers.Fiber._ def emitFiberVar: Unit @fiber[Int] = { emit(getFiberVar) } def produceNumbers: Unit @fiber[Int] = { putFiberVar[Int](100) emitFiberVar } val observable: Observable[Int] = run(produceNumbers) observable.foreachL(println).runAsync // => 100 ``` For more examples, see the [unit tests][]. [continuations]: https://github.com/scala/scala-continuations [unit tests]: core/t/FiberSpec.scala