#author Christoph Senjak and Matthias Benkard #date 2009-02-18 - (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d") #title CljSSSS^g Quick Start Guide #desc The CljSSSS^g installation guide ; Time-stamp: <2009-02-18 20:31:12 mulk> ; ; C-c i t insert-time-stamp ; C-c C-t muse-project-publish-this-file ; C-c C-e muse-edit-link-at-point ; C-c C-i muse-insert-thing ; CljSSSSg * Dependencies The following dependencies need to be on your class path: - Clojure - Compojure along with all of its dependencies, including: - Fact - Jetty - Rend - The Apache Commons Logging API - The Java Servlet API - StringTemplate along with ANTLR ---- *(format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d, %k:%M %Z")* ; Local Variables: ; mode: muse ; End: