(ns mulk.benki.main (:refer-clojure) (:use [clojure core repl pprint] noir.core [hiccup core page-helpers] [mulk.benki util config db]) (:require [noir server options] [mulk.benki wiki auth book_marx id lazychat xmpp] [ring.middleware.file] [noir.session :as session] [noir.request :as request] [clojure.java.jdbc :as sql] [lamina.core :as lamina] [aleph.http :as ahttp] [aleph.formats :as aformats] [ring.util.codec :as codec]) (:import [java.math BigDecimal BigInteger])) (defn wrap-utf-8 [handler] (fn [request] (let [response (handler request) ctype (get-in response [:headers "Content-Type"]) utf8ctype (str ctype "; charset=utf-8")] (if (and ctype (re-matches #"^(text/html|text/plain|application/xhtml+xml|text/xml|application/atom+xml)$" ctype)) (assoc-in response [:headers "Content-Type"] utf8ctype) response)))) (defn wrap-base-uri [handler] (fn [request] (let [base-uri (:base-uri @benki-config)] (hiccup.core/with-base-url base-uri ((noir.options/wrap-options handler {:base-url base-uri}) request))))) (defn wrap-cache-control [handler] (fn [request] (let [response (handler request)] (if (get-in response [:headers "Cache-Control"]) response (assoc-in response [:headers "Cache-Control"] "no-cache") ;; no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate ;; Which one is the most appropriate? ;; (is must-revalidate even valid for server responses?) )))) (defn wrap-auth-token [handler] (fn [request] (binding [*user* (or (when-let [key (get-in request [:params :auth])] (with-dbt (sql/with-query-results results ["SELECT \"user\" AS uid FROM page_keys WHERE page = ? AND \"key\" = ?" (:uri request) (BigDecimal. (BigInteger. key 36))] (:uid (first results))))) (session/get :user))] (handler request)))) (defn wrap-extension-mimetype [handler] (fn [request] (let [uri (codec/url-decode (:uri request)) response (handler request) extension (second (re-find #"\.([\w]*)($|\?)" uri)) exttype ({"txt" "text/plain" "css" "text/css" "js" "text/javascript" "html" "text/html" "jpg" "image/jpeg" "gif" "image/gif" "png" "image/png"} extension)] (if (and (nil? (get-in response [:headers "Content-Type"])) exttype) (assoc-in response [:headers "Content-Type"] exttype) response)))) (do-once ::init (noir.server/add-middleware #(wrap-utf-8 %)) (noir.server/add-middleware #(wrap-base-uri %)) (noir.server/add-middleware #(wrap-auth-token %)) (noir.server/add-middleware #(wrap-cache-control %)) (noir.server/add-middleware #(ring.middleware.file/wrap-file % "static")) (noir.server/add-middleware #(wrap-extension-mimetype %))) (defn run-server [] (let [mode (or (:mode @benki-config) :production) noir-handler (noir.server/gen-handler {:mode mode})] (ahttp/start-http-server (ahttp/wrap-ring-handler noir-handler) {:port (:web-port @benki-config) :websocket true}))) (defonce server (do (future (mulk.benki.xmpp/init-xmpp!)) (future (mulk.benki.lazychat/init-lazychat!)) (future (run-server)))) (defn -main [& args] (loop [] (Thread/sleep 1000000) (recur)))